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Got loading problems? The video just isn’t playing? Let’s figure this out, and rule out the easy things first.

#Check Your Internet Speed

Are you experiencing slow loading, or seeing a “Loading…” message on your videos? The most common cause of this problem is that the viewer’s Internet connection speed is not fast enough to support video playback reliably. While we take many steps to optimize the playback experience for each viewer, there are some minimum requirements for a smooth playback experience.

Check your internet speed. If you’re not up-to-par, contact your Internet provider. If so, let’s move on.

#Clear Your Cache

Like with video uploading problems, it may seem silly, but it’s an amazing fix in a number of situations. Try clearing your browser’s cache and restarting your web browser.

Chrome Chrome –> Clear Browsing Data or History –> Show Full History –> Clear Browsing Data…
Safari Preferences –> Privacy —> Remove All Browsing Data
Firefox History –> Clear recent history
Internet Explorer Tools –> Internet Options –> Browsing History

#Reset Your Internet Connection

Just like uploading, internet connection can affect playback. Try resetting your router and make sure you have a secure connection. All set? It’s time to start investigating.

#Try a Different Browser

Sometimes different browsers can cause problems. If you’re using Firefox and your video doesn’t play, try Chrome, Safari or Edge and things may be all hunky-dory. If the video still doesn’t play after you’ve tried everything here, let us know! We’ll be happy to dig deeper with you.